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Alumni win 2015 New England Emmys

Several Emerson College alumni who work locally in broadcast journalism were honored at the 38th annual Boston-New England Emmy Awards on May 30.

During the ceremony, WFXT reporters and Emmy nominees Mike Beaudet ’92 and Sharman Sacchetti ’93 expressed thanks to longtime Associate Professor of Journalism Marsha Della-Giustina, who attended the event.

WFXT reporters Mike Beaudet ’92 and Sharman Sacchetti ’93 honor Associate Professor of Journalism Marsha Della-Giustina during the 2015 New England Emmy Awards. (Video Courtesy of Jonathan Satriale)

Among the Emerson alumni winners are:

·      David Wade ’95, news anchor and reporter, for Outstanding News Writer, and Outstanding Serious Feature News Report on WBZ;

·      Ed Harding ’75, news anchor, for Outstanding News Anchor on WCVB;

·      Eric Budney ’94, photographer/editor, for Outstanding Historical or Cultural Feature Segment on WFSB;

·      Gerry Wardwell ’80, assistant news director, for Outstanding Breaking News, and Outstanding Team Coverage on WCVB;

·      Sean Allen ’94, senior producer, for Outstanding Sports Series on NESN;

·      Chris Cantergiani ’91, supervising investigative producer, for Outstanding Business or Consumer News Specialty Report on WHDH; 

·      Lisa Hickey Simmons, MA ’02, producer, for Outstanding Team Coverage on WCVB;

Among the Emerson alumni nominees were:

·      Diana Pinzon ’04 of WPRI

·      Max Collins ’13 of Atomic Beard Productions

·      William Delaney ’10 of Atomic Beard Productions

·      Erica Moura, MA ’12, of Boston Herald Media

·      Richard Feindel ’09 of WCVB

·      Eric Budney ’94 of WFSB

·      Trung Dang ’94 of WHDH

·      Ted Canova ’82 of WGBH

·      Christopher Fadale ’94 of WHDH

·      Rose Mirakian-Wheeler ’82 of NESN;

·      Jared Bowen ’98 of WGBH; and

·      Edward Felker ’91 of WHDH and WLVI.



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