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Bird Street students share inspirational essays

Randy Boston

Bird Street Community Center student Randy Boston shares his top-winning essay as part of the “What's Your Dream” speech contest at the Iwasaki Libraray at Emerson on April 8. (Photo by Tyler McAndrew '16) 

Students from the Bird Street Community Center in Boston participated in the 2015 “What’s Your Dream” speech contest that culminated with the middle- and high-school youth reading inspiring essays at Emerson’s Iwasaki Library on April 8.

Whats Your Dream 1

Bird Street student Djamilson Daviega reads his essay at the Emerson event on April 8. (Photo by Tyler McAndrew '16)

Emerson President Lee Pelton was in attendance as the top-winning students read their essays aloud. Students used the essays to share their worldly visions in commemoration of Black History Month.

Pelton, Bird Street

Emerson President Lee Pelton meets with Bird Street students Djamilson Daviega and Randy Boston. (Photo by Tyler McAndrew '16)

The Bird Street students have collaborated with students from Emerson’s Communication Studies Department since 2013. Learn more about the collaboration

What's My Dream teachers

Emerson President Lee Pelton, filmmaker Rahman Oladigblou, and Communication Studies faculty members Jane Pierce Saulnier, Owen Eagan, and Heather May. (Photo by Tyler McAndrew '16)

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