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Creative entrepreneurialism topic of breakfast talk

George Graves and Thy Doan

George Graves and Thy Doan of Somerville stop by a photo booth while attending the Creative Mornings entrepreneurship breakfast discussion led by Nadeem Mazen, CEO of Danger!Awesome, on March 27 at the Bordy Theater. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)

Nadeem Mazen, the CEO and co-founder of a 3D printing and laser company who is also a Cambridge City Councillor, stopped by Emerson’s Bordy Theater on March 27 for a breakfast lecture co-hosted by Creative Mornings, the Emerson chapter of the American Marketing Association, and Emerson’s Marketing Communication Department.

Mazen, an MIT graduate who works for the company Danger!Awesome, spoke about the possibilities of 3D and digital media.

His company offers hands-on laser cutting, etching, 3D printing, and vinyl products with a goal of cultivating a mecca of thinkers who are invested in global issues, youth development, and creative building, according to the Creative Mornings website.

Nadeem Mazen

Nadeem Mazen, CEO of Danger!Awesome and a Cambridge City Councilor, speaks about creative entrepreneurship during a discussion event at the Bordy Theater on March 27. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)

Mazen said that as a CEO and a City Councillor, his goal is to make emerging digital technology more available to the public.

“I think when we talk about access, and we talk about creativity, we are also talking about who among us would like to have a regular practice in engagement,” he said.

Mazen said that emerging digital technology offers a wealth of civic engagement opportunities. He also noted that working with public schools is one good way to better share emerging technology with the community.

Shekinah Beepat and Annie White

Shekinah Beepat ’16 and Annie White were attendees at the Mazen discussion event. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)

“It will not take very many of us, but if there is a regular practice of engagement, we’ll end up connecting our neighborhoods, our students, our learners, our adult learners, with all the great venues and all of the great opportunities available,” he said.

Mazen has spent the last several years as an instructor at MIT and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, teaching undergraduate and graduate students the principles of technology and art entrepreneurship, according to the Creative Mornings website.

Creative Mornings is an organization that began in 2008 with the launching of breakfast lecture events for the entrepreneurial community in New York City. The organization now hosts morning lecture events in several major cities globally.

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