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Diplomacy discussed, Algosaibi, MA ’98, honored

Emerson students paid tribute to the late Husam Algosaibi, MA ’98, and his family during a lecture about political diplomacy on September 15, featuring Emerson Trustee Leo Hindery, P’16, at the Bright Family Screening Room of the Paramount Center. Chief Academic Officer Michaele Whelan also spoke.


Emerson Trustee Leo Hindery, P ’16, speaks at the September 15 event. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17) 

Algosaibi, a successful businessman, is credited with starting an exchange program between Saudi Arabian and American students shortly after the 9/11 attacks to promote diplomacy between the two nations. A tribute honoring his life featured several of his family members, including his niece, Emerson student Rand Algosaibi ’18.

Husam Hindery - crowd

Emerson students at the Algosaibi-Hindery event at the Bright Family Screening Room on September 15. (Photo by Zachary Mills ’17)

Dr. Nada Farhat, MA ’10, who is an artist and a medical doctor, presented artwork to the Algosaibi family and discussed using art as a means to connect cultures.

Husam-Hindery Nada

Medical doctor and artist Nada Farhat, MA ’10, presents artwork during the event honoring Husam Algosaibi, MA ’98. (Photo by Zachary Mills ’17)

Hindery, a media executive who has volunteered for a long list of social justice organizations, spoke about the continued eradication of the middle class globally, and ways in which media and political diplomacy could be used to bridge the gap.

Hindery and his wife, Patti Wheeler Hindery, who also worked as a media executive, spoke with several classes in the Communication Studies Department earlier in the day.

Husam Hindery - Pelton

Emerson President Lee Pelton speaks with alumnus Geoffrey Parrish of the U.S. Foreign Service at the Algosaibi-Hindery lecture event September 15. (Photo by Nick Eaton ’17)

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