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Tierney slips in EC Polling Society poll

The Emerson College Polling Society reported Friday, September 5, that Democratic U.S. Representative John Tierney, of the 6th District north of Boston, has slipped in the polls and is in a virtual dead heat with Democratic primary rival Seth Moulton just four days before the September 9 primary election.

Tierney held a 53 percent lead back in April, but that slipped to a 42-point lead in June, according to the polling society. He now has only a 3-point lead over Moulton, based on the society’s September 2–4 poll of 343 likely Democratic voters, which had a margin of error of 5.3 percent.

The recent poll also looked at percentages for Republican candidate Richard Tisei—whose numbers have “barely budged” against the Democrats, according to the polling society—and highlights top issues identified by voters, which are jobs, healthcare, and defense.

Read more on the Emerson College Polling Society’s recent findings.

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