Student uses Burgundy to help zoo
One publicity-savvy student has turned Ron Burgundy’s visit to Emerson into a way to help animals—at the zoo popularized by the original Anchorman movie.
Emily Yumkas ’15, a Marketing Communication major, held a social media campaign to raise money to “adopt” a panda at the San Diego Zoo. She did it by selling more than 50 T-shirts that say “Ron Burgundy School of Communications.” Yumkas used the website

Emerson is renaming its School of Communication for one day, December 4, as the “Ron Burgundy School of Communication” to celebrate the upcoming opening of Anchorman 2.
“I really wanted to celebrate my ‘new’ school’s pride,” said Yumkas, who raised $285. “Once I had a campaign set up, I shared it on my personal Facebook and Twitter pages. In three days, the campaign surpassed its 30 T-shirt goal.”
The zoo will send Yumkas pictures and facts about the panda she’s adopted, and her donation will be used for general zoo expenses.
December 4 will feature a visit from Burgundy (actor Will Ferrell) holding a mock press conference at Emerson College. There will be a free advanced screening of Anchorman 2 for a limited number of Emerson students as well.
Emerson alumnus Matt Labov ’90 is Ferrell’s publicist.