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Students traveling to Cannes Film Festival

Mykah Murphy ’14 is one of nine Visual and Media Arts students heading to the Cannes Film Festival in France from May 15-26, 2013. (Courtesy photo)

Nine students in the Visual and Media Arts Department are going to the Cannes Film Festival in France from May 15-26 with the help of The Creative Mind Group, a nonprofit organization that assists up-and-coming filmmakers with access to important industry events.

“Because Cannes is the largest market film festival in the world, what better real-world environment for our students to see the business side of the industry?” said Anna Feder, VMA program coordinator, who will be on the trip. “The students will spend two weeks immersed in the world of global film marketing and distribution, engaging in internships with some of the highest profile companies in entertainment, and making contacts that could only happen along the Croisette,” a prominent road in Cannes.

Creative Minds in Cannes, the program run by The Creative Mind Group, is designed to aid participants in expanding their knowledge of the film business, while affording them the opportunity to make industry contacts during the film festival.

Mykah Murphy ’14 was chosen to attend after describing her experience as an aspiring high school filmmaker in a small Missouri town.

“I learned how to edit on a computer in the back of a woodshop classroom because there was no space allotted for our television production class,” Murphy wrote in her submission letter. “I thought [that] would make me feel disadvantaged, but instead, I think [that is] the reason I’m here.”

Ryan Ross ’15 wrote that he was drawn to filmmaking at a young age and compared the experience of watching film to riding a roller coaster.

“The complex labyrinth of steel roller coasters, wooden hunchbacks and water rides … create these appealing dreamlands,” Ross wrote. “The thrills that are experienced with engaging amusement parks are synonymous with engaging movies.”

Ross said his goal at Cannes is to connect with post-production professionals to “learn … how they got to where they are today,” and to gain insight on establishing an internship.

Murphy is still figuring out her plans for after graduation, but hopes to build industry connections at Cannes for a behind-the-scenes job.

“I aspire to attain a position which no one on the outside thinks about,” she said. “I’m not looking to win an Academy Award, but I wouldn’t mind helping to make the award show happen.”

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