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Pelton wishes Menino very best

Emerson College President Lee Pelton has released a statement wishing the very best to Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, the city’s longest serving mayor, who announced Thursday, March 28, that he will not run for re-election this year.

“Mayor Menino has been a great friend to Emerson College,” Pelton said. “Throughout the College’s relocation from its Back Bay location to Boston’s Theatre District, he enthusiastically showed his support—recognizing the value that a vibrant academic, residential, and cultural community could bring to the neighborhood. He has been an active force in revitalizing the Midtown District and it has been a pleasure to collaborate with the Mayor and his staff on a variety of programs. He has been a transformational and visionary leader who has made Boston a world-class city. Emerson is among many institutions as well as individuals in neighborhoods throughout the City of Boston who will miss his inspired and compassionate leadership. I wish Angela, the Mayor, and his family the very best.”

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