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Report: Emerson reduces carbon emissions

The annual Go Green report has been released for Emerson College for fiscal year 2012, reflecting a good deal of positive change in the sustainability of facilities and day-to-day student life.

The Go Green report’s purpose is to examine the amount of emissions produced by the College in comparison to past years in addition to other universities with similar populations and city settings. 

Go Green graphic

This chart used in the fiscal year 2012 Go Green report for Emerson College shows how carbon emissions are produced. Emerson has cut down on these emissions by 25 percent since 2007.

Jay Phillips, associate vice president for facilities and campus services, had a hand in compiling the report. He said he is extremely pleased with the progress Emerson made in fiscal year 2012 in maintaining and improving the control of emissions.

According to the report, emissions per student at Emerson are about 40 percent lower than that of comparable universities in fiscal year 2012.

“It’s amazing because the report makes it look as if the Paramount Center never happened,” said Phillips, in reference to the student residence hall and academic and performance facility that opened in the fall of 2010.

The Go Green report also examined carbon emissions, such as when students and faculty commute via car or train. Emerson cut down emissions by 25 percent since 2007 through consistent use of public transit, making the overall emissions much smaller than that of a comparable college. Emerson’s commuters tend to travel less than half the distance of peers to campus, and only 7 percent of students and faculty drive alone to work, as opposed to 53 percent at other universities.

Phillips is optimistic that Emerson can continue to move in a positive direction.

“We are installing solar panels on the roof of the new Los Angeles Center because of more exposure to sunlight and more space,” he said.

Emerson’s main area of focus, in the meantime, should be cutting down on waste, making use of the school’s recycling, and being aware of lights left on or heat left turned up.

“If you’re too hot or cold in a residence hall, let a facility manager know instead of opening the window,” Phillips said. “It doesn’t take long to do, and it makes all the difference.”



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