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Emerson watching Hurricane Sandy

Updated October 29 at 9:30 pm

The College will be operating tomorrow on its regular Tuesday schedule. The MBTA expects to be operational tomorrow but please check their website at in the morning for an update before heading out.

If for some storm related reason you can not make it to campus tomorrow please notify your professor or your direct supervisor.

Should something change overnight, the Emergency Management Team will notify you by 6 am. Otherwise, you will not be hearing from us again!

Have a good evening and stay safe.

Updated October 29 at 7:15 pm

Fortunately, the storm has not done much damage in Boston. There are significant power outages outside of Boston and a few more hours of damaging winds and high tides in coastal areas are expected.

However, based on what we know at this time, we fully expect to be open for classes tomorrow on our regular Tuesday schedule. The only thing that might disrupt this plan is whether or not public transit will be up and running. Emerson’s Cafe may not open for breakfast tomorrow but our other dining options will be available.

We will give you one more update between now and 10 pm but please plan on the College doing business as usual tomorrow.

Updated October 29 at 2:45 pm

As of 3 pm, there have been no reports of storm damage on the Emerson campus. The strongest winds are expected in Boston between now and midnight along with up to 2 inches of rain.

If classes resume tomorrow, we will be on a Tuesday schedule.

To allow staff to get home safely tonight, the Dining Hall will close a half-hour early, at 8:15 pm. The library will close at 5 pm tonight for the same reason.

Our next update will be at 7 pm EST.

Updated October 29 at 12:30 pm

The Emergency Management Team plans on sharing news about the storm and the status of the College today at 3 pm, 7 pm, and 10 pm EST.

Our messages will be sent via Emerson College email, posted to the Emerson College website, and shared via @EmersonCollege on Twitter, Emerson College Facebook, and Emerson College Parents Facebook.

We anticipate being open for classes tomorrow, but will let you know on which schedule (Monday or Tuesday) and if conditions in Massachusetts warrant a change in that decision.

Updated October 29 at 11:00 am

Due to the suspension of public transportation today, we are making the following adjustments in our dining facility hours barring any unanticipated loss of power:

  • Dining hall will remain open regular hours
  • Emerson’s Café will close at 2:00 PM
  • The Paramount Café will be open until 11:00 PM
  • The Paramount C-Store will be open until 2:00 AM
  • The Piano Row Café will be open until 10:00 PM but with a limited menu

Updated October 29 at 10:00 am

Due to the severe weather predicted for Boston on Monday, October 29, all classes are cancelled. All faculty and non-essential staff should stay home. All off-campus students should stay home. On-campus students should stay indoors as much as possible.

The MBTA is suspending service effective 2 pm on Oct. 29. All students, faculty and staff should plan to arrive home before then and avoid traveling around the city. Check the MBTA website for service updates.

If you are a staff member who is unsure of whether you should come to work, please contact your supervisor.

The dining hall will be open barring any unanticipated loss of power. Please contact the Emerson College Police Department if you have questions or concerns during the storm at 617-824-8555.

Please watch the Emerson College website for any further updates.

Safety Tips for Students – Updated October 26 at 5:00 pm

It is likely Boston will experience some inclement weather as a result of Hurricane Sandy. Current projections do not have the storm on a path for a direct hit of our area. However, we do anticipate that Boston will experience heavy, sustained rain and isolated periods of strong winds, most likely on Monday night and Tuesday morning. While we do not anticipate serious problems, it is important that all of us are prepared for this weather event. The Emerson College homepage will include updated information throughout the storm. Please check this information regularly for any important updates and encourage your family and friends to do the same.

Information will also be shared via Connect Ed. If you did not receive the test message for Connect Ed today, please log into and select “Connect-Ed Emergency Notification System signup” in the Quick Links section of the home page in order to sign up for this important emergency notification system.

If Boston does experience severe weather as a result of Hurricane Sandy, please follow these tips:

Tips for all students:

  • During the storm, whether you will be on- or off-campus, please stay indoors.
  • Close and Lock Windows. Damage to interior rooms and their contents can result from windows left open in high winds and wind-driven rain. Stay away from windows when there are high winds and close shades or blinds to avoid possible injury from broken glass.
  • Turn Off and Unplug Computers, Monitors, and other electrical devices. This will eliminate the possibility of damage to sensitive equipment that could result from electrical surges that might occur should there be a loss of power.
  • Fully charge your laptop computers/tablets and cell phones prior to the onset of inclement weather.

Tips for on-campus students:

  • In the event that you experience an emergency, please contact the Emerson College Police Department at 617-824-8555.
  • Be alert for and closely follow any directions provided by Housing and Residence Life (OHRL) and Emerson College Police Department (ECPD) staff.
  • Should we experience high winds, you will be instructed to exit your room/suite, close and lock the door, and seek shelter in the hallway in order to avoid the risk of injury from broken glass. Plan ahead for this possibility. You won’t be permitted to re-enter your room during a period of high winds, so have a bag prepared that would include: a coat, a blanket and pillow, prescription medications (keep a 7-day supply with you), glasses/contacts if needed, bottled water, protein bars, flashlight and batteries, your laptop computer/tablet (and charger), and your cell phone (and charger).
  • Power lines around campus in Boston are underground, so it is highly unlikely that we would lose electrical power during a storm. Additionally, most College buildings have emergency generators. However, in the unlikely event that we would lose power to a residence hall, OHRL and ECPD staff would move you to another place on campus (when weather permits) until power could be restored. Again, to prepare for this possibility, please have a bag prepared that would include the items mentioned above.

Tips for off-campus students:

  • Have the appropriate supplies on hand: blankets and pillows, flashlights and batteries, food, bottled water, etc.
  • Before the onset of inclement weather, familiarize yourself with the locations of emergency shelters in your neighborhood.
  • Have a battery powered radio available so that you can listen for any important updates for your community.

To learn more about emergency preparedness, please visit the American Red Cross and the National Hurricane Center

Emerson College is keeping a close eye on Hurricane Sandy, which has begun moving up the East Coast of the United States.

As of early afternoon (October 26), weather forecasters are suggesting the storm might hit southern New England, bringing strong winds and significant rain late Monday or early Tuesday.

Emerson will continue to monitor the news regarding the storm. Any necessary updates will be posted to this website, and the community will be updated via email, Twitter, and Facebook.



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