Memorial service slated for George Quenzel
A remembrance service will be held for Professor Emeritus George Quenzel on Saturday, October 27, at 1:00 pm in the Semel Theater, located in the Tufte Performance and Production Center at 10 Boylston Place. Quenzel died July 11 after a long illness.

Quenzel taught in the Visual and Media Arts Department and its predecessors from 1958 to 1998. He was instrumental in the development of several classes and areas of concentration, helping modernize the television production program and teaching the first film production and film studies classes at Emerson.
Contributions may be made online by visiting Under the “About Your Gift” section, select “Multiple” or “Support Other” and enter the name of the appropriate scholarship fund in “Gift Comments.” Checks should be made payable to Emerson College and include a notation that reads “George Quenzel Scholarship.” Checks can be mailed to Emerson College, Development and Alumni Relations, 120 Boylston Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02116-4624.
Visit to read student’s and faculty’s remembrances of Quenzel.