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Food, Films, and Fun in Stress of Finals

Emerson students feeling stressed out about exams this week had options. What better way to take your mind off of those pressing finals than dinner and a show?

On Monday, faculty and staff volunteered their time to serve students a late-night buffet in the Little Building’s Dining Hall. This event has become an end-of-semester tradition. Starting at 9:00 pm, and during the course of the following two hours, nearly 800 students feasted on breakfast foods, including pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, waffles, and home fries.

The vittles were served up by some of the students’ favorite faculty and administrators, including President Jacqueline Liebergott, Vice President for Administration and Finance Maureen Murphy, and Dean of Students Ron Ludman.

“It’s a chance for students, faculty, and staff to interact with each other and to help promote a sense of community.”

–Director of Housing and Residential Life, David Haden

“It’s a chance for students, faculty, and staff to interact with each other and to help promote a sense of community,” said David Haden, Director of Housing and Residential Life, not to mention, for students to get their minds off of studying.

Meanwhile, Emerson’s Office of the Arts began what it hopes will become a new tradition during finals week: free movies in the Paramount Center’s Bright Family Screening Room. On Tuesday, students could watch Blazing Saddles, Brothers Grimm, and UP.  Movies screened on Wednesday included Donnie Darko, Million Dollar Baby, and Lord of the Rings.

The final exam period ends December 17. Classes for the spring semester begin January 18.



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