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Hundreds attend annual staff appreciation luncheon

Emerson staff from departments across the College gathered in the Bobbi Brown and Steven Plofker Gym on August 24 to celebrate the hard work and dedication of their colleagues at the 2011 annual staff appreciation luncheon.

Attendees were treated to traditional New England clambake fare and live guitar accompaniment by Emerson Media Technologies and Production’s own Tim McKenna.

During the event, President Lee Pelton thanked the staff, who he said enable faculty and students to succeed. “I have come to [to Emerson] to shine an even brighter light—one that extends even beyond the shores of this continent—[on Emerson’s] capacity to educate the people who will solve problems and change the world,” he said. “Achieving all this will require building an even stronger community, increasing collaboration among all parts of the College, and a lot of hard work. Each and every one of you will have an important role to play, and I look forward to working with you in the days, months, and even years ahead.”

Associate Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion Gwendolyn Bates also addressed the staff, introducing a new College-wide diversity campaign called RESPECT!, which encourages the community to move beyond their individual comfort zones and make new friends at the College. Bates, who is retiring this fall, received a standing ovation from the event’s attendees.

The luncheon concluded with a short awards ceremony that recognized staff members, nominated by their peers, for outstanding service to the College. Staff members were also recognized for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service to the College. The award recipients were:

Clery Act Reporting Team

  • Eric Schiazza
  • Michael Arno
  • David Griffin
  • Alma Pellecer

President’s Award

  • Sarah Miles

Distinguished Service Award

  • Lauren Smith

Staff recognized for years of service were:

5 Years

  • Johanna Acevedo
  • Jason Allen-Forrest
  • Janis Andersen
  • Elaine Arnold
  • Irene Belostotskaya
  • Eithia Berry
  • Claudia Borden
  • Jennifer Brandel
  • Matt Cardin
  • Mario Carranza
  • Maureen Crowley
  • John DeGregorio
  • Christina Dent
  • Timothy Douglas
  • Joan Fiore
  • Melissa Gardner
  • Gerry Garvin
  • April Grivois
  • Larry Ibanez
  • Robyn Kievit
  • Heather Kile
  • Irina Korogodsky
  • Erik Kuenlen
  • Tikesha Morgan
  • Gloria Noronha-Peschau
  • Margaret Peterson
  • Michael Petroff
  • Jane Pikor
  • Jennifer Pipp
  • Susana Ramirez
  • Ian Thistle
  • Eric Weiss
  • Lisa Yaeger

10 Years

  • Kerry Adams
  • Troy Chappelle
  • Lynn Conners
  • Bill DeWolf
  • Sharon Duffy
  • Tom Hanold
  • Cheryl Rosenthal
  • Scott Sand

15 Years

  • Jorge Coronado
  • Anne Isakson
  • Rafael Jaen
  • Joe Knoll
  • Marcos Pleitez
  • Meg Rogan
  • Anne Shaughnessy

20 Years

  • Rich Grossman
  • David MacLean
  • Alma Pellecer
  • John Vanderpol

25 Years

  • Reina Alvarenga
  • Keith Cornelius
  • Anne Doyle
  • David Griffin

30 Years

  • Paul Beck
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