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Emerson Asked to Turn Off the Lights for Earth Hour


You’re not afraid of the dark, are you?

Because Emerson College and the World Wildlife Fund are asking you to turn your lights off for one hour this Saturday, and join people around the globe in raising awareness about climate change.

Earth Hour will take place from 8:30 to 9:30 pm on March 19. Want to really make a statement? Unplug your appliances and electronic devices, too. In fact, Campus Sustainability Coordinator Amy Elvidge said you should always unplug electronics when they’re not being used. Computers in sleep mode are still using electricity.

The College will do its part too. The Paramount Center “blade,” the Cutler Majestic Theatre facade lights, the LED stairway illumination at the Tufte Center, and the banner lights on the Ansin, Little, Colonial, and Walker buildings, and 216 Tremont Street will go dark for the hour. 

If you’re wondering what to do for an hour in the dark, Elvidge has some suggestions:

  • Battery-powered candlelight picnic. Break out the checkered blanket and all! Bonus: If you drop food on yourself, neither you nor your guests will see it.
  • Do something creative by (battery-powered) candlelight: paint, knit, quilt, sing, dance, yoga, meditate. Maybe push the furniture out of the way first if you dance.
  • Take a nap before a night out. Push through till dawn well rested. Or take a nap before staying in and watching Netflix—no one’s judging here.
  • Eat all the ice cream in the freezer—particularly important if you also unplug your appliances.

And don’t forget to let everyone know you’re participating by using hashtag #ChangeClimateChange. For more information about Earth Hour, visit

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